Mark 4: 24-25 NLT

everything that is hidden will eventually be brought into the open, and every
secret will be brought to light.
with ears to hear should listen and understand.”
Then he added, “Pay close attention to what you hear. The closer you listen, the more
understanding you will be given
—and you will receive even more.
those who listen to my teaching, more understanding will be given
But for those
who are not listening, even what little understanding they have will be taken
away from them.”

In Defense Of A Nation - Broadcast Archives - Pastor Stan and Steven Grant Greely, Co.


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Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Epic Failure – Another Federal Government Operation Gone Wrong - The BLM’s land management has been an epic failure and has either driven out, or burned out, much of Northern Nevada’s wildlife

 Epic Failure

NorthWest Liberty News: Operation Wildlife Rescue

The BLM’s land management has been an epic failure and has either driven out, or burned out, much of Northern Nevada’s wildlife

James White               NorthWest Liberty News

As I have highlighted numerous times in previous articles and radio broadcasts, it seems that any time the federal government gets its tentacles into an operation the cost goes up and the level of service goes down.  The specific examples are too numerous to list, but can be easily obtained with a cursory web search.  For this articles sake, the “operation” being referenced is the mismanagement of Nevada lands, and the victims of said mismanagement is the very wildlife that the federal government proposes to protect.  As I pointed out in my last article, Nevada’s Mustang population has suffered severely from BLM policies, but they’re not the only ones.

As I have had the pleasure of traveling through Northern Nevada and interviewing numerous ranchers, one common fact seems to be shared by all; there used to be a lot more animals in the valleys and peaks of Northern Nevada than there are today.  The thousands and thousands of hoofed wildlife and the tens of thousands of Sage Grouse are all gone now…forced out by the BLM and their policies.  And, by all accounts, the BLM have the ranchers in the cross-hairs as the next in line to be evicted.  Some ranchers, like Mike Laughlin, are not taking things lying down
 Mike Laughlin is a Nevada rancher with a degree in Wildlife Biology.  Coupled with the fact that Mike worked in predator management all over the Western United States, he has the credentials to be considered an expert in wildlife management and its effects on the overall wildlife population.  Please take the time to watch the video below, as Mike gives a history of wildlife in the West, and provides a grim warning if we do not change course.

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