Putin’s response to US sanctions with economic retaliation- implications for US economy & the US Dollar- It is very significant, dumping of US dollars has begun…The dollar can’t be maintained. One reason the dollar has been sustained as well as it has been is who wants to buy yuan or euros? But ultimately they will buy the real money, and that’s gold!
- Paul on the Coming collapse of the dollar & all fiat currencies: Officials in charge of monetary policy are very aware of what’s coming- they believe as long as it is orderly they will be ok…The problem is when people lose confidence in a currency, they lose confidence completely. There’s nothing orderly about it! There’s always a panic, and that’s hard to manage. There will be a day when people will panic in the financial markets, not only in the dollar, but in the world-wide system!
- The former member of the House Financial Services Committee explains why his nemesis at the Federal Reserve works so hard to discredit gold, and what he wishes he would have asked Ben Bernanke during his grilling of the Fed Chairman at his House Hearings on the Fed’s Monetary Policy.
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