Mark 4: 24-25 NLT

everything that is hidden will eventually be brought into the open, and every
secret will be brought to light.
with ears to hear should listen and understand.”
Then he added, “Pay close attention to what you hear. The closer you listen, the more
understanding you will be given
—and you will receive even more.
those who listen to my teaching, more understanding will be given
But for those
who are not listening, even what little understanding they have will be taken
away from them.”

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Saturday, May 17, 2014

Revelation Ready Radio: Topic : Dave and Nona Grant ("Blood Moons, Judgment, and Revival" )have been ministering for over 50 years. They have long warned Americans of impending judgment and today they are joining us to discuss their perspectives on the blood moons and what these will mean for our nation. They will also share the hope that they see on the other side of judgment.

Wednesday May 14, 2014 [Download]

Today’s Guest : Dave and Nona Grant

“Blood Moons, Judgment, and Revival”
Topic : Dave and Nona Grant have been ministering for over 50 years. They have long warned Americans of impending judgment and today they are joining us to discuss their perspectives on the blood moons and what these will mean for our nation. They will also share the hope that they see on the other side of judgment.

Wednesday May 14, 2014 [Download]
Today’s Guest : Dave and Nona Grant
"Blood Moons, Judgment, and Revival"
Topic : Dave and Nona Grant have been ministering for over 50 years. They have long warned Americans of impending judgment and today they are joining us to discuss their perspectives on the blood moons and what these will mean for our nation. They will also share the hope that they see on the other side of judgment.

MP3 HERE ---------

There Sons books here also talk what is coming

America In The Bible
By Steven Grant
“The United States of America is not in the Bible.” So said a noted pastor, during a national interview. Is this true? If so, the implications are staggering. America would be a nation declining into oblivion, or she might be Babylon. Either way, she would be hated by God, and Christian believers should get out while they can.
However, what if the United States of America is in the Bible? Welcome to the discovery! Steven Grant takes you on an exciting ride through the Bible and history, one that reads like an adventure novel. Questions addressed in the book include:
  • Is America merely lucky?
  • Does God have His hand in America’s history?
  • What will happen to America?
  • How does America fit into God’s plan?

You may not think of America the same way after reading this book. For Christians, and for patriots who have loved America but didn’t know why, this is a book for you. America in the Bible. Heaven’s kingdom. It’s time for the truth. And it’s time you knew.

In Defense Of A Nation
In Defense Of A Nation
American Christians and patriots know that a battle is brewing. It is a battle for the heart and soul of our nation. Since the election of Barack Obama its temperature has reached an all-time high. The battleground is spiritual, political, and even physical-and the grand finale is coming soon to a street corner near you.
As history bears out, God does not use bigger church buildings, cool songs with lights and big drums, or elaborate productions to deliver nations from the jaws of tyranny. He does it by first destroying the corrupt political systems that oppress the people, then bringing about a spiritual awakening in the people, and finally bringing liberty to the people.
History is about to repeat itself once again in America.
Using scripture and current events, In Defense of a Nation frames the coming battle in a way that will cause you to lose sleep. It examines such questions as these:
• Is America a lucky anomaly in human history, or is it a deliberate act of God?
• Who is America in the Bible?
• Is God finished with America?
• What will the inevitable clash between Islam and Communism vs. America and the Jewish State of Israel look like?
• When will it occur?
• What is the beast system of the Bible, and who is the son of perdition?
• Who is the community organizer in Scripture that carried the anti-Christ messages of social justice and redistribution of wealth?
• Who will promote these same messages in the last days, and how will they be used against America?
America's toughest days are just ahead, but so is our crowning moment in history. You have come to the Kingdom for such a time as this. Now, make it count.

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