Mark 4: 24-25 NLT

everything that is hidden will eventually be brought into the open, and every
secret will be brought to light.
with ears to hear should listen and understand.”
Then he added, “Pay close attention to what you hear. The closer you listen, the more
understanding you will be given
—and you will receive even more.
those who listen to my teaching, more understanding will be given
But for those
who are not listening, even what little understanding they have will be taken
away from them.”

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Monday, November 5, 2012

Paul McGuire on Southwest Radio Network on a range of very up to date prophetic subjects, called "The Coming Chaos. - "ARE YOU READY FOR THE COMING CHAOS? about 2 hours

Uploaded by on Jan 31, 2012
A global government predicted in Revelation is about to rise. This global government, such as the United Nations, would have its own law and government to replace the U.S. Constitution and government.

Are mass food riots, social unrest and chaos being used to create a new world order?
How are the Bilderberg Group, Council on Foreign Relations and Illuminati involved in this global government?
Is it true that a United Nations military force is secretly based inside of America?
What about the reports of Russian, Chinese and foreign military troops stationed in the U.S.?
Have members of the National Guard and police picked up radio signals from foreign troops that use new radio frequencies that are technically banned from U.S. troops, police and the National Guard?
The Royal Society in England meets to discuss "Weather Control" technology. A special research report prepared for the Army in "Weather as a Force Multiplier: Owning the Weather in 2025" was discussed. Are Weather Weapons already being deployed?

There are numerous technologies that can produce Mass Brainwashing. Is it true that advertisers and government can read your brainwaves when you are watching television?

John Dewey is the father of modern education and social engineering through the school system. Is the real purpose of education to educate or indoctrinate?

How close are we to the prophecy of Ezekiel 38, which involves Israel, the Middle East and World War III?
Was there really a plan to destroy nationalism and patriotism through mass immigration policies that started 50 years ago?
Are environmentalism and climate control wealth redistribution mechanisms?
Have the elite really made public statements that their end game is to turn America into a totalitarian Marxist State like China?
Are there laboratories around the world in which transhumanism and the interbreeding of animal, human and Nephilim DNA are being used to create cyborgs for warfare?
Is there an attempt to censor the science of Earthquake forecasting? What does the science of Earthquake forecasting say about Japan, New Madrid and California?
Do the elite plan to destroy over 7.5 billion lives through population control, eugenics, vaccines, food, weakening the immune system, wars, genocide and sterilization? If so, why?
Every move, action and thought you make can be monitored through new technology. Are you ready? This DVD offers a personal action plan for you and your family. What steps can you take now to occupy until Jesus Christ comes?
Are You Ready for the Coming One World Economic System?
Are the international bankers controlling government, media, education, science, military and culture for their purposes?
Is it true the bankers plan to seize your property, keep its equity and then turn the nation into renters rather than owners?

This goal has two purposes: (1) Increase the wealth of the bankers by trillions of dollars. (2) In a Marxist Revolution it is essential to destroy belief in God, the family and home ownership. The destruction of home ownership creates the psychological destruction of the human personality as an individual created by God. It degrades men and women into falsely believing they have any value. There is no commitment in "marriage" and no belief in God. After this, people are willing to accept the mark of the beast.

Why have you not read very much, except in the Wall Street Journal and sources like this, that George Soros has a Bretton Woods II Plan and the Institute for New Economic Thinking?
Why are we not being told about the hidden agenda to create a one world economic system where the international bankers control everything?
It is hard to believe that a brutal global dictatorship will be brought into power through a new world financial order and global taxes?
If accomplished, this economic plan will plunge the human race into a new Dark Age or Tribulation Period, where a small group of elite seize control of the human race who become worthless slaves. Why would anyone want to do this? Why would anyone want to do what Adolph Hitler did?
Does the Bible really predict a coming cashless society and the mark of the beast?
Did Lord Jacob Rothschild's 1971 Inter-Alpha Group (whose family line included both banking and the Illuminati) create much of the financial chaos in order to move forward their agenda?
Will the current global financial policies lead us into the Tribulation Period?
Did Lord Bertrand Russell, atheist and Fabian Socialist, call for nuclear wars and Black-death like plagues to kill millions?
Why was Adolph Hitler promoted by Britain and American interests to enforce eugenic policies to kill over 6 million people in the concentration camps? There are powerful global interests carrying out those same policies today!
Did Hitler and Russell advocate genocide and euthanasia and the "green movement?"

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