=PID RADIO -- IT’S HERE, it’s burgeoning, and it’s not going away. So says L.A. Marzulli, author of The Alien Interviews, now available in a new, expanded paperback edition.
We discuss global events and the UFO phenomenon, their relation to end-times prophecy, and why the vast majority of Christians are unaware that the end game is unfolding right in front of their eyes.
Lynn’s blog and his weekly radio show The Acceleration are highly recommended. Download mp3 archive shows from Lynn’s radio program by clicking here.
Derek is honored to serve as “servant of ceremonies” for The Last Days Conference April 23rd & April 24th in Antioch (Nashville), Tennessee. Speakers include:
Russ Dizdar of Shatter the Darkness Ministries
Documentary filmmaker Chris Pinto
Joe Jordan, co-founder and president of CE4 Research Group and co-author of the forthcoming book Unholy Communion
Dr. Michael Bennett, A/K/A Dr. Future, host of the Future Quake radio program
Guy Malone of AlienResistance.org
Dr. Lynn Marzulli, author of Politics, Prophecy, and the Supernatural
Chris White, host of the Nowhere to Run podcast and publisher of The 2012 Deception website
Michael Tatar, Jr. (A/K/A Tom Bionic of Future Quake), founder of Stop Sleep Paralysis
We discuss global events and the UFO phenomenon, their relation to end-times prophecy, and why the vast majority of Christians are unaware that the end game is unfolding right in front of their eyes.
Lynn’s blog and his weekly radio show The Acceleration are highly recommended. Download mp3 archive shows from Lynn’s radio program by clicking here.
Derek is honored to serve as “servant of ceremonies” for The Last Days Conference April 23rd & April 24th in Antioch (Nashville), Tennessee. Speakers include:
Russ Dizdar of Shatter the Darkness Ministries
Documentary filmmaker Chris Pinto
Joe Jordan, co-founder and president of CE4 Research Group and co-author of the forthcoming book Unholy Communion
Dr. Michael Bennett, A/K/A Dr. Future, host of the Future Quake radio program
Guy Malone of AlienResistance.org
Dr. Lynn Marzulli, author of Politics, Prophecy, and the Supernatural
Chris White, host of the Nowhere to Run podcast and publisher of The 2012 Deception website
Michael Tatar, Jr. (A/K/A Tom Bionic of Future Quake), founder of Stop Sleep Paralysis
Mr. Marzulli!
I have read your books and you present great information. However, you and so many other Christians are misinformed about The Rapture! There is not going to be any escape to heaven for Christians and we are going to suffer great tribualtion, and no one is preparing God's children for this reality. Tell your audience to prepare for the worst. Get more information on my web site at: http://sites.google.com/site/theendtimespassover/
Joe Ortiz, author
The End Times Passover
Why Christians Will Suffer Great Tribulation (Author House)
Great blog, Joe. Am glad to see you standing up to pretribulation rapturists. Since they can't find their 19th century theory in the Bible, they have get support from all kinds of non-Biblical sources such as the ancient Mayan calendar, UFO's, Nostradamus, etc. Am glad to see you sticking to the Word of God which is more powerful than any pretrib "two-edged" - or maybe I should say "two-staged" - "sword"! May the Lord protect you from all two-staged swords!
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